Monday, September 2, 2019

Essay --

Allison Lore Mr. David R. Lopez ENG132 12/11/2013 Differentiating Instruction †¢ Introduction One issue facing the quality of education in today`s schooling is Differentiating Instruction, which is simply to change ones teaching methods to help cater to each individual student’s needs. Teachers can differentiate through content, process, product, and learning environment based on the individuals. Differentiation comes from idea about differences among students, how students learn, learning preferences and individual interests. In order to understand how students learn and what they know, pre-assessment and ongoing assessments are necessary. In the past instruction was delivered in a one size fits all method. Now, differentiation is individually centered, with a focus on using appropriate instructional and assessment tools that are flexible, challenging, and fair; encouraging students to want to learn (Wikipedia). Schools have many different types of students with different educational needs. Addressing everyone’s needs equally can be quite difficult. With issues ranging from class size, fixed budgets, how every student learns differently, students with special needs, advanced students to inequality among different levels of students it is a challenge for educators to overcome. †¢ Differences Among Students: Students must be accommodated in their diverse educational need in order for the educator to be accomplished in their job. Students of the same age can be different in their willingness to learn, in their interests, what style of learning works best for them, their experiences, and home circumstances( Wikipedia). Some students are eager to learn while others are resistant to learning. There are also students who are adva... ...on in today`s schooling is Differentiating Instruction, which is simply to change ones teaching methods to help cater to each individual student’s needs. With issues ranging from class size, fixed budgets, how every student learns differently, students with special needs, advanced students to inequality among different levels of students it is a challenge for educators to overcome. Teachers should identify with each student to understand how they study as an individual, and how they teach to their students. Teachers must differentiate by determining what students already know through pre-tests taken at the beginning of the class, getting individually acquainted with each student and their problems, having student activates and each students interests and concerns. Taking all of these things into consideration, a teacher can then better cater to the class as a whole.

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