Thursday, September 26, 2019

Drug and Alcohol abuse among teens Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Drug and Alcohol abuse among teens - Essay Example As at the year 2009, 11.98% of teens in Nevada abused tobacco products as compared to average U.S.’s 11.52%. It had no significant statistical difference in the county-level rates of tobacco addiction and abuse. While the average U.S. alcohol abuse among teens was at 14.66% in 2009, the percentage of teens affected in Nevada remained at 15.15%. This was, however, after a decrease from 17.67% and 18.40% in 2003 respectively. The rate of alcohol abuse reduced by 3.01 percent, nationally, and 3.25 percent, in Nevada.In 2009, illicit drug use among teens in Nevada was 12.57% of the total compared to 9.65% for the total U.S. teen population. The use of marijuana among teens in Nevada was also slightly higher than that of national statistics at 16.4% versus 13.28% respectively. Rates of drug-induced deaths are higher than the national averages in the state of Nevada at 20.1% versus 12.7% deaths per 100, 0000 teens. From the statistics, it is evident that Nevada’s statistics a re higher than the national statistics. Virtually all the comparisons in abuse and impacts trends portray Nevada’s statistics as being way above the national tally.Relationship between Cognitive abilities and Rational BehaviorWhile increased cognitive abilities may enhance once ability to reason and differentiate between good and bad, the development may not necessary deter them from being involved in irresponsible behavior. Drug and alcohol abuse is usually associated with a slow progressive addiction.

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