Friday, March 6, 2020

Scholorship Essay essays

Scholorship Essay essays Entering Community College of Philadelphia as a freshman, I have several educational goals for the years of study that lie ahead. These include: building a solid basis for a career in Computer Science, getting accepted at University of Pennsylvania with full scholarship, and improving my communication skills. Working toward each of these will help me during the years following graduation in my chosen career. My primary goal is to obtain a Bachelors degree in Computer Science from the University of Pennsylvania, and also to gain specialized education, which will allow me to enter the workforce after graduation with many alternatives for employment. Over the past several years, I have enjoyed working with computers involving graphic designs and web development. My current ambition is to obtain a MCAD (Microsoft Certified Application Developers) certificate. Moreover, I want to build a solid career in Information Technology, which is a rapidly growing industry with constant emerging of new technologies. A good computer programmer should be diversified in many aspects of the programming environment. In effort to achieve this diversity, I have taken classes both in programming and web development. Advancing my ability in critical thinking and communications is also important to me. No matter where my career path leads me, the ability to analyze and communicate with others will be the difference between acceptable versus truly excellent accomplishments. While in school, I have involved myself with many different activities around the college. If I am not at class, studying, or at home I am spending my time at the school organizing activities that the school will be holding. I am an active member of Philadelphia L.E.A.D, PTK (Phi Theta Kappa - International Honor Society), SGA (Student Government Association) and AAUW (American Association of University Women). After becoming a member of these organizations, I have found myself more...

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