Sunday, August 11, 2019

Different perspectives of the American Political System Essay

Different perspectives of the American Political System - Essay Example The aim of this paper is to critically assess the viewpoints regarding the political system of America. In order to assess the perspectives, two films have been selected namely â€Å"Wag the Dog† (1997) and â€Å"Mr. Smith goes to Washington† (1939). The 1997, Black comedy film by Barry Levinson rotates around the story of American politics and the sex scandals of the U.S. President. The President had luring relationships with a ‘firefly’ girl just before the Presidential re-election campaign. The film has reflected the idea that how the American Presidents, in order to hide their scandalous affairs, hire spin-doctors. The purpose of the spin-doctor was to ensure that he might divert the attention of the public, using media propaganda. He easily convinced the audience that America is at war with Albania. In short, it has been showed in the film that how media and other trusted agencies / institutions are in the hand of those, who control it as per their will (Levinson, 1997). Mr. Smith Goes to Washington is the story of good vs. evil in the American political system of the early 90’s. The story revolves around the United States Senate and how corruption leads its way in the American politics. Jimmy Stewart, who in the film is offered with a Senate vacancy, plays the character of Mr. Jefferson Smith. Since, Mr. Smith is an ideal, honest, innocent leader therefore he is easily personified by other evil senators and members of the American political system. The director of the film, Frank Capra, has shown Smith as an underdog who has to face severe challenges in order to survive in the intense competitive and corrupt American political system in order to attain some good (Capra, 1939). The message communicated to the audience through the film ‘Wag the Dog’ is that, that how easy it is to wipe out evidences or fact or to divert the attention of the

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